Large areas to be covered, in a complex system like the internet of things, assets of all kinds that move around, information that must be able to flow seamlessly from one device to another, tracking, locating…
In the most universal of languages, this translates into FasThink!
With FasThink, barriers are removed, and communication becomes networked in any environment from the largest to the most complex; you can allow yourself to imagine and what if…
FasThink not only makes this possible, but also extraordinarily simple and efficient and without interfering in any way with the computer systems in use.
Bluetooth low energy BLE systems by FasThink offer maximum customisation, low energy consumption, high-precision visibility, complete solution optimisation.
A BLE system may consist of one or more beacons; wireless devices that transmit a packet of information via the Bluetooth low energy protocol. This can be received either from a smartphone or from a gateway nearby and used to calculate the position with respect to the same beacon.
This technology makes it possible to provide contextualised information and to increasingly connect the online and offline worlds. In the simplest version, a BLE beacon periodically communicates its unique identification code, while more complex models integrate various types of sensor: temperature, humidity, pressure, microphone or accelerometer.
In these cases, the beacon serves as a strategic device to monitor production machinery, detect temperature in smart building applications, collect data for predictive maintenance and carry out other routine operations in the world of the internet of things.
FasThink’s proprietary Connect Orchestrator platform efficiently integrates and harmonises BLE beacon technology with existing IT systems, providing excellent optimisation of field resources and integration time.
- Maximum customisation
- Reduced energy consumption
- High-precision visibility
- Lower costs
- More control
- Full solution optimisation
- Competitive advantage over time
- Integration with existing information systems